Git Hooks and Makefile for My Go Projects


February 9, 2025  |  3 min read

What's Good?

  • Makefile to set up the project and alias common commands
  • Pre-commit hook includes the below; fixable diffs are added to the staged
    • go mod tidy
    • go fmt
    • golangci-lint run --fix (v1.63.4)
    • go test
  • Pre-push hook includes the below
    • golangci-lint run (v1.63.4)
    • go test -race

Show Me The Files


.PHONY: all
all: flight-check build run-build
.PHONY: run
# Modify the commands to your needs
run: flight-check
	@echo "Running the app on port $${PORT:-8080}..."
	@PORT=$${PORT:-8080} go run main.go
.PHONY: build
# Modify the commands to your needs
build: flight-check
	@echo "Building the app..."
	@mkdir -p bin
	@go build -o bin/app
.PHONY: run-build
# Modify the commands to your needs
run-build: flight-check
	@echo "Running ./bin/app on port $${PORT:-8080}..."
	@PORT=$${PORT:-8080} ./bin/app
.PHONY:  test
test: flight-check
	@echo "Running tests..."
	@go test -race -cover ./...
.PHONY: lint
lint: flight-check
	@echo "Running golangci-lint..."
	@./bin/golangci-lint run
.PHONY: clean
# Modify the commands to your needs
clean: flight-check
	@echo "Cleaning up..."
	@rm -rf bin/app
.PHONY: pre-flight
# Clean install; not setting the below as make build targets
# Modify the commands to your needs
	@echo "Setting up Git hooks..."
	@mkdir -p bin
	@echo "Installing golangci-lint to ./bin..."
	@curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b ./bin v1.63.4
	@cp scripts/git/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit
	@cp scripts/git/pre-push .git/hooks/pre-push
	@chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-push
	@git config core.hooksPath .git/hooks
	@echo "Git hooks set up successfully!"
.PHONY: flight-check
	@echo "Performing flight check..."
	@if [ ! -f ".git/hooks/pre-commit" ] || \
		[ ! -f ".git/hooks/pre-push" ] || \
		[ ! -x "./bin/golangci-lint" ]; then \
			echo "Git hooks or golangci-lint are missing. Run 'make pre-flight'"; \
			exit 1; \


set -e
echo "Running pre-commit checks - go mod tidy..."
go mod tidy
MOD_DIFF=$(git diff --name-only go.mod go.sum)
if [ -n "$MOD_DIFF" ]; then
  echo "go.mod or go.sum changed, adding them to staging..."
  git add go.mod go.sum
echo "Running pre-commit checks - staged Go files..."
STAGED_GO_FILES=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACM | grep '\.go$' || true)
if [ -z "$STAGED_GO_FILES" ]; then
  echo "No Go files staged for commit."
  exit 0
echo "$STAGED_GO_FILES" | xargs -r gofmt -s -w
echo "$STAGED_GO_FILES" | xargs -r -I {} dirname {} | sort -u | xargs -r ./bin/golangci-lint run --fix
echo "$STAGED_GO_FILES" | xargs -r git add
go test ./...
echo "Pre-commit checks passed!"


set -e
echo "Running pre-push checks..."
# Run all unit tests with race condition detection
go test -race ./...
# Run static analysis
./bin/golangci-lint run
echo "Pre-push checks passed!"