How to Use .reduce() in JavaScript (2/2)


April 29, 2019  |  2 min read

In this section we are picking up what is left from Part1, initialValue and currentIndex parameter in .reduce(), as well as some of .reduce()'s application.

reduce syntax

Fig. 1; from MDN

Regarding whether the initial value is set, there is connection between initialValue and the start point of currentIndex (see Fig. 1 "currentIndex"), though not fully manipulatable:

let arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
function getSum(total, num) {
  return total + num;
// Fig. 2
// Fig. 3
console.log(arr.reduce(getSum, 10));

reduce iteration1

Fig. 2; from MDN

reduce iteration2

Fig. 3; from MDN

When .reduce() is called without an initialValue, currentValue is set to go from "index(currentIndex) 1 " (arr[1]; 1 in our example) in the first rotation of the loop, where the one that is set with an initialValue "10" is going from "index(currentIndex) 0" (arr[0]; 0) in the first call.

Aside from adding up the values in a plain array of numbers, .reduce() can also be used to

1.) Calculate the sum of the values of a certain key in an object array, or

let data = [
    country: 'China',
    population: 1409517397,
    country: 'India',
    population: 1339180127,
    country: 'USA',
    population: 324459463,
    country: 'Indonesia',
    population: 263991379,
let sum = data.reduce(function (accumulator, data) {
  return accumulator + data.population;
}, 0); // set initValue 0 to make sum a number instead of a string
console.log(sum); // should output 3337148366

2.) Counting instances of values in an object

let names = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Tiff', 'Bruce', 'Alice'];
let countedNames = names.reduce(function (allNames, name) {
  if (name in allNames) {
  } else {
    allNames[name] = 1;
  return allNames;
}, {});
// countedNames is:
// { 'Alice': 2, 'Bob': 1, 'Tiff': 1, 'Bruce': 1 }

...more application of .reduce() can be found on MDN