Setup as of 2019/12/28; W.I.P. dots can be found HERE
Initial Setup on 2019/10/28 (Vim, Tmux)
My journey to Vim is rather a slowly one: about a week's worth of coding on side project to get the hang of it, enable Vim mode in VS Code for about a month to get use to the flow (with arrow keys from time to time...), and, onward to tinkering with config of terminal and Vim to get it a more IDE-like feel.
The current setup, on 2019/10/28, after tinkering with config file with a myriad of boilerplates for 2 days, is in the following:
For Terminal:
- Iterm2 - through Homebrew
- ZSH - through Homebrew
- ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh
- ryanoasis/nerd-fonts - Hack Nerd Font
- romkatv/powerlevel10k - It has a really friendly config wizard!
- Tmux - through Homebrew
For Vim (See below for update):
- tpope/vim-pathogen (package manager)
- preservim/nerdtree (file tree explorer)
- morhetz/gruvbox (theme)
- Vim:
- junegunn/vim-plug - package manager changed
- junegunn/fzf & junegunn/fzf.vim - file fuzzy search
- vim-airline/vim-airline - status line for Vim
Themes from vim-airline/vim-airline-themes
- Vim:
- airblade/vim-gitgutter - gitgutter in Vim
- ryanoasis/vim-deviconsa - file icons in NerdTree
- Change indentation from 1 tab to 2 spaces
- airblade/vim-gitgutter - tuned and custom-mapped key for hunk preview mode
- preservim/nerdcommenter - making commenting a lot easier
- Ignore *~/*.swp/*.swo files that vim generates globally (settings put under ~/home/.gitignore)
- Enable mouse mode for scrolling/pane-resizing/etc inside Tmux
- tpope/vim-fugitive - version control in Vim
- vim-airline/vim-airline - enabling smart tabline
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
- jiangmiao/auto-pairs - auto-pairing in Vim
- Enables MacOS clipboard sharing in .vimrc
set clipboard=unnamed
- tmux-plugins/tpm - Tmux plugin manager
- tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect - persisting Tmux sessions
- tmux-plugins/tmux-battery - showing battery life on Tmux
- Vim:
- yggdroot/indentline - marking indentline
- tpope/vim-surround - making/changing surrounding tags fast
- drewtempelmeyer/palenight.vim - theme
- Vim:
- tadaa/vimade - dimming unfocused splits